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Minnesota's Network of the Association of Vascular Access


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  • Spring Conference 2023

Spring Conference 2023

  • 27 Apr 2023
  • 7:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Hilton Bloomington


Registration is closed

Hello Minnivan Members and guests!

Please join us for the 2023 Spring Conference on April 27th. 

6 CEU credits offered!

We have an exciting lineup of speakers this year: 

Matt Clemens (0800- 0900) - "Catheter Technology - Evidence Based Risk Reduction Strategy" - Sponsored by Teleflex

Lori Kaczmarek (0910-1010)- "Shifting our Focus from CLABSI to CA-BSI" - Sponsored by Adhezion

Matt Gibson (1020- 1120) - "Will touch contamination during PIV insertion be a factor in Hospital Onset Bloodstream Infections?" - Sponsored by Prevahex

Lunch and Vendor Fair (1130 - 1300)

Jack LeDonne, MD (1310-1410) - "Quality Improvement in Vascular Access: The Relationship Between Insertion and Care and Maintenance " Sponsored by Eloquest Healthcare

Becci Stoflet (1420- 1520) - "Blood Culture Contamination – their importance, impacts and solutions" - Sponsored by Kurin

Marc-Oliver Wright (1530-1630) - "Communicating Complex Data: Creating Understanding Through Visualization" - Sponsored by PDI

Breakfast starts at 0730 so get there early to check in and grab some coffee!  Bring some cash for the Raffle too - Grand prize is paid Conference Attendance Fee to the next AVA conference.  

Spring Conference ticket prices are unchanged from last year (...and the year before, and the year before, etc...) $185/$250 for Members/Non-Members.

Best Regards,

Minnivan Board


Minnivan (Minnesota Vascular Access Network) is a network of the Association for Vascular Access (AVA). Please visit MINNIVAN members receive a Network discount on their AVA memberships by using MINNIVANs discount code N1004. 



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